Dosimeter badge services for medical, dental, and veterinary businesses
Learn how Radiation Detection Company’s easy-to-use dosimetry solutions can boost the efficiency of your practice.
President, Radiation Detection Company
Last Updated: April 9, 2024
Understand the importance of an x ray badge in various occupational settings and how radiation monitoring safeguards employees, companies, and the public.
Using an x ray badge to monitor radiation is essential in some occupational settings to ensure radiation safety. By continuously detecting and measuring radiation levels, companies can identify and mitigate potential health risks related to radiation exposure.
In this blog post, we'll share how x ray badges continuously monitor radiation levels in various occupational settings.
One of the main reasons why some occupational settings require radiation monitoring is to protect workers from excessive radiation exposure and demonstrate compliance with occupational radiation exposure limits.
Depending on the job and potential radiation sources, employees may be at risk of prolonged exposure to harmful radiation. Regular radiation monitoring allows companies to measure exposure and implement necessary safety measures to protect their employees and comply with acceptable dose limits per federal and state regulatory guidelines.
Overall, radiation monitoring is crucial in occupational settings to protect employees, stay compliant, and safeguard public well-being. X ray badges provide an effective method of continuously detecting and measuring radiation exposure.
Compliance is of utmost importance in occupational settings that require the use of radiation or radioactive materials to perform a job. Radiation safety protocol compliance typically involves precautions for ionizing radiation related to time, distance, and shielding. ALARA, an acronym for As Low As Reasonably Achievable, is the gold standard for radiation safety.
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),1 “An ALARA program usually involves maintaining radiation doses to workers as far below the federal and state regulatory occupational dose limits as is reasonably achievable taking into consideration the state of technology, economics, and social factors.”
An x ray badge service is an essential part of radiation safety; monitoring radiation allows companies to adhere to federal requirements, ensure the well-being of their employees, and maintain a safe work environment.
Employees wear X ray badges, also known as dosimeter badges, in occupational settings to measure their radiation dose. Companies can identify potential hazards by regularly monitoring radiation levels and taking appropriate measures to mitigate risks.
Radiation safety training is an essential part of occupational safety for employees exposed to radioactive materials and radiation exposure. The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requires adequate initial training for all employees likely to receive a dose of more than 100 millirem annually. A foundational awareness of radiation helps employees stay safe and healthy.
Basic radiation safety training can include information that helps employees:
The level of training should be appropriate for the risk of exposure, and some employees will require more than a foundational awareness of radiation safety. For example, employees working in the following environments would require more training:
Staying compliant with radiation regulations helps companies create a culture of safety, protect their employees from unnecessary health risks, and maintain public trust.
Radiation badges are an important tool for continuous radiation detection and monitoring in various occupational settings.
Some of the occupational settings that require x ray badges include:
By wearing these badges, employees can monitor their radiation exposure and take appropriate measures to protect themselves and others.
Specific requirements for x-ray badges may vary depending on the occupational setting and potential radiation sources. However, regardless of the setting, the primary goal of using x ray badges is to maintain radiation safety and prevent overexposure.
Veterinary practices may utilize x-ray technology for diagnosing and treating animals, exposing veterinary staff to radiation during the imaging process. In addition to OSL or TLD whole body radiation badges, veterinarians and vet techs may also use extremity badges (wrist or ring).
Healthcare facilities, including hospitals and medical clinics, often utilize various imaging technologies that involve radiation, such as X-rays, CT scans, and fluoroscopy. As a result, healthcare professionals who work in these settings are regularly exposed to radiation.
X ray badges provide an effective means of continuous radiation detection and monitoring in healthcare settings, ensuring the safety of both patients and healthcare professionals.
Dental practices often use X-ray technology to diagnose dental conditions, and dentists, dental assistants, and other dental professionals may be exposed to radiation during routine procedures.
Radiation monitoring in dental practices is crucial to ensure the safety of dental professionals and patients. X ray badges are required in these settings to monitor the radiation exposure levels of dental personnel.
The nuclear industry, including power plants and research facilities, deals with radioactive materials and processes that can pose significant health risks.
Monitoring radiation in the nuclear industry involves:
Electronics manufacturing involves various processes and equipment that may emit radiation, including sterilization, quality control, and semiconductor fabrication.
Employees in electronics manufacturing might use radiation hardness testing to check how well electronic parts can handle exposure to radiation. Radiation hardness testing can be essential for products used in high-exposure environments.
Aviation industry personnel, including pilots and flight crew, may be exposed to elevated radiation levels due to cosmic radiation at higher altitudes. As a result, aviation radiation monitoring is necessary to ensure the safety of aviation professionals.
Research laboratories often deal with radioactive materials and equipment, making radiation safety a critical aspect of their operations. By prioritizing radiation safety in research lab settings, companies can protect the well-being of their personnel, prevent potential accidents or health hazards, and maintain a safe working environment.
In summary, employees should wear an x ray badge in any environment requiring radiation exposure. An x ray dosimeter badge is a necessary tool for employees in various occupational settings; radiation monitoring helps protect both immediate and long-term employee health.
Safety should be simple. RDC can help guide you toward the right radiation badge service for your workplace. Get started here.
An X-ray badge is a wearable device that measures the amount of radiation someone is exposed to, commonly used by people who work with X-rays or other forms of radiation.
To get a radiation badge, contact your workplace's radiation safety department, call Radiation Detection Company at (800)250-3314, or start building your order. Need help finding the best badge for your workplace? Get started with our radiation badge order guide.
Those who work with or could be exposed to radiation, like in healthcare, nuclear facilities, or research labs, usually need to wear a radiation badge.
The terms "radiation film badge" and an "X-ray badge" can both refer to a dosimeter worn by individuals to monitor their exposure to ionizing radiation.
In previous decades, radiation film badges typically used photographic film to detect and record radiation exposure. Radiation exposure would leave a hidden image on the film, which was then processed and analyzed to measure the amount of radiation exposure.
Nowadays, newer dosimetry technologies are more common; most industries prefer optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeters, thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD), or digital dosimeters. While film badges have been widely used for decades and are still effective for monitoring radiation exposure, they do have limitations compared to newer technologies.
Learn how Radiation Detection Company’s easy-to-use dosimetry solutions can boost the efficiency of your practice.