Announcement RDC will be closed in observance of President’s Day, Monday, February 17, 2025 , and will reopen for business on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
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Radiation Badge Service Made Easy

Start Wearing Badges in as Little as 1 Week

Radiation Detection Company is dedicated to keeping you and your employees safe. We offer a wide range of affordable, comprehensive radiation badge services to accommodate the needs of any organization, big or small. We also know that choosing a solution can be daunting, so if you need help making a decision, our world-class customer service team is happy to provide guidance.

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Solution Options

OSL Whole Body

The standard OSL badge (or Type 84 badge for photon monitoring) is a 2-element beryllium oxide (BeO) badge with a minimum reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv), and a LLD of 1 mrem. These badges are used to monitor occupational exposure to a single individual working with radioactive materials to ensure the dose received remains within the allowable Dose Limits.

  • Badge Type: Standard OSL badge or type 84 badge for photon monitoring.
  • Service Overview: Personnel Badges are used to monitor occupational exposure to a single individual working with radioactive materials including Photons (gamma and X-ray) to ensure the dose received remains within the allowable Dose Limits.
  • Product Details: The OSL dosimeter is a 2-element beryllium oxide (BeO) badge with a minimum reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv), and a LLD of 1 mrem (0.01 mSv).
  • Energies Measured: Photon: 12 keV – 7 MeV.
  • Reporting Periods: Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, Annual

TLD Whole Body

The Standard Type 82 TLD-XBG badge or Type 83 TLD-XBGN badge for neutron is a four-element radiation badge with a minimal reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv). These badges are used to monitor occupational exposure to a single individual working with radioactive materials to ensure the dose received remains within the allowable Dose Limits.

  • Badge Type: Standard TLD-XBG badge or type 83 badge for neutron monitoring
  • Service Overview: Personnel Badges are used to monitor occupational exposure to a single individual working with radioactive materials to ensure the dose received remains within the allowable Dose Limits.
  • Product Details: The TLD-XBG/TLD-XBGN is a four-element dosimeter badge with a minimum reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv). 
  • Energies Measured: X-ray, Beta, Gamma (Neutron reporting available with badge type 83). Beta: 251 keV Eavg to 5 MeV Emax. Photon: 20 keV – 6 MeV. Neutron: Thermal -6 MeV.
  • Reporting Periods: Monthly, Bi-Monthly, or Quarterly.

Ring Badge

The TLD-XBG Extremity is a single element ring dosimeter for extremities. The ring badge is available for radiation workers whose job functions potentially require their arms or legs to receive a higher exposure. These employees may benefit from a ring badge to ensure the extremity dose received remains within the allowable Dose Limits.

  • Service Overview: Extremity badges are available for radiation workers whose job functions potentially require their arms or legs to receive a higher exposure. These employees may benefit from a ring or wrist badge to ensure the extremity dose received remains within the allowable Dose Limits.
  • Product Details: The TLD-XBG Extremity is a single-element Ring Dosimeter for extremities with a minimum reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv).
  • Energies Measured: X-ray, Beta and Gamma. Beta: 251 keV Eavg to 5 MeV Emax. Photon: 20 keV – 6 MeV.
  • Reporting Periods: Monthly, Bi-Monthly, or Quarterly

Ring Badge

The TLD-XBG Extremity is a single element ring dosimeter for extremities. The ring badge is available for radiation workers whose job functions potentially require their arms or legs to receive a higher exposure. These employees may benefit from a ring badge to ensure the extremity dose received remains within the allowable Dose Limits.

  • Service Overview: Extremity badges are available for radiation workers whose job functions potentially require their arms or legs to receive a higher exposure. These employees may benefit from a ring or wrist badge to ensure the extremity dose received remains within the allowable Dose Limits.
  • Product Details: The TLD-XBG Extremity is a single-element Ring Dosimeter for extremities with a minimum reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv).
  • Energies Measured: X-ray, Beta and Gamma. Beta: 251 keV Eavg to 5 MeV Emax. Photon: 20 keV – 6 MeV.
  • Reporting Periods: Monthly, Bi-Monthly, or Quarterly

Wrist Badge

The Standard Type 82 TLD-XBG badge or Type 83 TLD-XBGN badge for neutron, is a four-element dosimeter badge with a minimal reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv). The badge is fitted with a velcro strap to be worn around the wrist. The wrist badge is available for radiation workers whose arms may receive a higher exposure. The wrist badge helps ensure the extremity dose received remains within the allowable Dose Limits.

  • Service Overview: Extremity badges are available for radiation workers whose job functions potentially require their arms or legs to receive a higher exposure. These employees may benefit from a ring or wrist badge to ensure the extremity dose received remains within the allowable Dose Limits.
  • Product Details: The TLD-XBG/TLD-XBGN is a four-element dosimeter badge with a minimal reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv). The badge is fitted with a Velcro strap to be worn around the wrist.
  • Energies Measured: X-ray, Beta, Gamma (Neutron reporting available with badge type 83). Beta: 251 keV Eavg to 5 MeV Emax. Photons: 20 keV – 6 MeV.
  • Reporting Periods: Monthly, Bi-Monthly, or Quarterly

Fetal Monitoring

The Standard Type 82 TLD-XBG badge or Type 83 TLD-XBGN badge for neutron, fetal monitor is a four-element radiation badge with a minimal reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv). Fetal Monitors are available for pregnant radiation workers to ensure the fetus does not exceed 500 mrem for the entire gestational period. The badge should be worn close to the embryo/fetus to obtain the most accurate dose.

  • Service Overview: Fetal Monitors are available for pregnant radiation workers, who have declared their pregnancy, to ensure the fetus does not exceed 500 mrem for the entire gestational period. The badge should be worn close to the embryo/fetus to obtain the most accurate dose.
  • Product Details: The TLD-XBG/TLD-XBGN is a four-element dosimeter badge with a minimum reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv).
  • Energies Measured: X-ray, Beta, Gamma (Neutron reporting available with badge type 83). Beta: 251 keV Eavg to 5 MeV Emax. Photon: 20 keV – 6 MeV. Neutron: Thermal -6 MeV.
  • Reporting Periods: Monthly

Area TLD

Area Monitors can be used to ensure that the public is not being exposed to more than 100 mrem/year from outside a room/building. In addition, they can monitor occupational dose to employees in a room where the source is located, or a room near a source that radiation could potentially reach.

  • Service Overview: Area Monitors can be used to monitor potential exposure to the public, as it is the responsibility of the company to prove that the public is not being exposed to more than allowable Dose limits.  Area Monitors can also be used to monitor occupational dose to employees in a room where the source is located, or a room near a source.
  • Product Details: The TLD-XBG/TLD-XBGN is a four-element dosimeter badge with a minimum reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv).
  • Energies Measured: X-ray, Beta, Gamma (Neutron reporting available with badge type 83). Beta: 251 keV Eavg to 5 MeV Emax. Photon: 20 keV – 6 MeV. Neutron: Thermal -6 MeV.
  • Reporting Periods: Monthly, Bi-Monthly, or Quarterly

Leak Tests

Our wipe test analysis kits contain everything you need to perform leak tests on sealed radioactive sources. After you gather the samples, you can mail them back to us, and we’ll send you a certificate displaying the results within 10 business days from when we receive them.

Why Radiation Detection Company?


Durable Technology

We understand that you don’t just need to meet regulatory requirements, you need high-quality equipment that’s durable enough to wear while you do your job. That’s why at Radiation Detection Company, a radiation badge is built to last.


Reliable Service

Our effective supply chain ensures you’re never without badges due to backordered product. With the fastest report turnaround time in the industry, your Dose Report will be available in a matter of days, not weeks or months.


Reduce Costs

We know that money is a big factor to consider when choosing a radiation badge service, so we strive to keep our prices as low as possible. Our extensive network of Group Purchasing Organizations ensures that you get the best rate there is.


Easy Account Management

Employee turnover is hard, but our customer platform makes account management easy. Our best-in-industry online platform enables customers big and small to manage their account quickly and easily without change fees other providers charge. Our proprietary software maximizes convenience and cost savings for you.


Live Support

We pride ourselves on our top-notch customer support team; no matter what it is that you need from us, we’re always here to help. Radiation Detection Company offers live customer care through chat, email, and phone, and if you reach out after hours, we’ll be sure to get back to you in one business day or less (that’s a promise).


Shipping Options

Skip the trip to the Post-Office. We make shipping and returning badges easy with our all-inclusive EasyReturns program that includes a prepaid envelope with each regular shipment.


Sign Up

Setup Your Business Account

Create your free account at today.

Select Your Badge Service

Radiation Badge (TLD-XBG), Radiation Badge with Neutron Reporting (TLD-XBGN), Radiation Ring (TLD-XBG)


Create Your Plan

Set Wear Cycle

Refer to your Radiological License. Generally your license will indicate whether you need to have quarterly, bi-monthly or monthly monitoring frequency.

Set Your First Wear Period

Select a date when your employees should start wearing their radiation badges.

Add Your Badge Wearers

Add all employees that should wear a radiation badge. We include the control badge for free.

Select EasyReturn Option

We include everything you need to easily ship your badges back to us.


Wear Your Badges

Set It And Forget

Ensure your employees wear their radiation badges throughout their workday.

Return Your Badges

If you select an EasyReturn option, we’ll make sure you have everything you need to ship your badges back to us quickly.

We’ll Ship Your Next Batch

We’ll make sure you are never without badges, we promise.


Get the Reports

Reports by Employee

Get proactive alerts about your radiation monitoring results and in-depth analytics on your program.


To make our services even more convenient and ensure the safety of your organization, we offer a wide range of radiation badge accessories. To start, you can purchase our proprietary radiation safety training materials, available for digital download. In addition, we offer clip straps priced at $6 for a pack of 5 so you can easily attach your radiation badge to your clothing, and badge boards so that keeping track of your badges at the end of the day isn’t a hassle. All of our badge boards come with self-adhesive hangers and a clip for each badge square, and they start at $20. You can also choose to customize your board with the company name, logo, and up to 30 characters per badge space. To order a custom option, please contact RDC at 800.250.3314.

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Learn How Our Easy-To-Use Dosimetry Solutions Can Boost The Efficiency Of Your Practice.