As the world’s longest-running dosimetry lab, Radiation Detection Company (RDC) is proud to simplify dosimetry for medical, dental, and veterinary businesses.
Founded in 1949
31,000+ Companies Served
#1-Rated Customer Service
2M+ Badges Shipped Annually
(Lab Code: 100512-0)
Radiation Detection Company was founded over 75 years ago in 1949, and we have been providing world-class radiation monitoring services ever since.
RDC’s core values and dedicated staff have made it the top-rated dosimetry service on the market – with an NPS rating of over 70, our world-class service has earned us the top spot in providing a reliable radiation safety solution for our customers … and all of the referrals that those customers send our way!
RDC’s success depends on the trust of our customers to implement a successful radiation safety program, and our dedicated employees are committed to earning and maintaining that trust. With RDC, you can rest assured that your radiation monitoring and compliance needs will be met promptly, conveniently, and affordably.
Radiation Detection Company knows that a running business is about more than just meeting the needs of customers, employees, and the company, it’s about doing so with integrity. We address difficult situations openly and honestly, and we’ll never deceive our clients. We respect that it is our duty to fully comply with all relevant laws and regulations to provide the most accurate radiation dose measurements, and we expect the same from our partners, vendors, and staff members.
Radiation Detection Company has been keeping those who work with or may receive radiation exposure safe for almost 75 years. Our accredited radiation detection equipment not only meets regulatory requirements but surpasses them. Our top-of-the-line laboratory will process your results with incredible accuracy, and to guarantee there are no discrepancies, we provide a control badge dosimeter free of charge.
Just because our work is serious, doesn’t mean we have to be. We value the customers we serve, as well as the employees who serve them. We believe that culture eats strategy for breakfast – which is why we value creating a workplace built on trust, transparency, and teamwork so we can deliver the very best service … and have fun doing it.
Between our open and inclusive culture, our dedication to our customers, and our drive to provide a friendlier radiation monitoring experience, we always prioritize relationships. Our live customer care team will make sure you have everything you need for success. No matter how you reach out – through email, chat, or over the phone – we promise to respond within one business day or less.
— Chris Passmore
Certified Health Physicist and President of Radiation Detection Company
Radiation Detection Company delivers headache-free dosimetry service from dedicated employees. Let us simplify radiation safety for you and your organization.